11864 | Cadmium inhibition of sodium-alanine cotransport in renal brush border membranes from the winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus) | | - Pseudopleuronectes americanus
| | - Bevan, Chris Bevan
- Chauncey, B Chauncey
- Kinne, Rolf Kinne
| - Max-Planck-Institut
- MDI Biological Laboratory
- Max-Planck-Institut
| |
10758 | Diodrast I131 transport by isolated perfused renal tubules | | - Pseudopleuronectes americanus
| | - Burg, Maurice B Burg
- Weller, Peter Weller
| - National Institutes of Health
- Harvard University
| |
11784 | Disposition of dietary benzo(a)pyrene in aquatic species: winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus) and green crab (Carcinus maenas) | | - Pseudopleuronectes americanus
- Carcinus maenas
| - Winter flounder
- European Green Crab
| - McElroy, Anne E McElroy
- Colarusso, Philip D Colarusso
| - University of Massachusetts, Boston
- University of Massachusetts, Boston
| |
11773 | Diuretic effects on NaCl transport by the flounder urinary bladder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus) | | - Pseudopleuronectes americanus
| | - Stokes, John B Stokes
- Stokes, David M Stokes
- Lee, Ivan B Lee
| - University of Iowa
- University of Iowa
- University of Iowa
| |
11791 | Effect of cadmium on sodium alanine cotransport in renal brush border membranes isolated from the winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus): time dependence, sensitivity and reversibility | | - Pseudopleuronectes americanus
| | - Bevan, Chris Bevan
- Kinne, Rolf Kinne
- Foulkes, Ernest C Foulkes
- Kinne-Saffran, Evamaria Kinne-Saffran
| - University of Cincinnati
- Max-Planck-Institut
- University of Cincinnati
- Max-Planck-Institut
| |
11804 | Effect of copper and zinc on intestinal chloride absorption in the winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus) | | - Pseudopleuronectes americanus
| | - Charney, Alan N Charney
- Scheide, John I Scheide
- Ingrassia, Peter Ingrassia
- Zadunaisky, Jose A Zadunaisky
| - New York University Medical Center
- New York University Medical Center
- New York University Medical Center
- New York University Medical Center
| |
11848 | Effect of pH on intestinal chloride influx in the winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus) | | - Pseudopleuronectes americanus
| | - Charney, Alan N Charney
- Zadunaisky, Jose A Zadunaisky
- Charney, Danielle Charney
- Charney, Meredith Charney
| - New York University Medical Center
- New York University Medical Center
- * Unknown
- * Unknown
| |
11777 | Effects of inhibitors of Na/K/2C1 cotransport on cyclic GMP content of the intestine of Pseudopleuronectes americanus | | - Pseudopleuronectes americanus
| | - Rao, Mrinalini C Rao
- Nash, Nancy T Nash
- Musch, Mark W Musch
- Field, Michael Field
| - University of Illinois, Chicago
- University of Illinois, Chicago
- University of Chicago
- Columbia University
| |
11865 | Effects of mercurial and arsenical compounds on serosal influx of rubidium in winter flounder intestine (Pseudopleuronectes americanus) | | - Pseudopleuronectes americanus
| | - Musch, Mark W Musch
- Kinne, Rolf Kinne
- Goldstein, Leon Goldstein
| - University of Chicago
- Max-Planck-Institut
- Brown University
| |
11806 | Effects of mercurials and arsenicals on sodium-tyrosine cotransport in brush border membrane vesicles isolated from flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus) intestine | | - Pseudopleuronectes americanus
| | - Chauncey, B Chauncey
- Kinne, Rolf Kinne
- Goldstein, Leon Goldstein
| - Brown University
- Max-Planck-Institut
- Brown University
| |
11849 | Hexose transport by dogfish (Squalus acanthias) and flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus) erythrocytes | | - Squalus acanthias
- Pseudopleuronectes americanus
| - Spiny dogfish
- Winter flounder
| - Booz, George W Booz
- Kleinzeller, Arnost Kleinzeller
- Payne, John A Payne
| - Thomas Jefferson University
- University of Pennsylvania
- University of Florida
| |
11845 | Immunoreactive atriopeptin in plasma and tissues of fishes: The effect of salinity change | | - Myxine glutinosa
- Squalus acanthias
- Myoxocephalus octodecimspinosus
- Pseudopleuronectes americanus
| - Hagfish
- Spiny dogfish
- Longhorn sculpin
- Winter flounder
| | | |
10444 | In Vitro transport of dyes by isolated renal tubules of the Founder as disclosed by direct visualization. Intracellular accumulation and transcellular movement | | - Pseudopleuronectes americanus
| | - Forster, Roy P Forster
- Hong, Suk Ki Hong
| - Dartmouth College
- University of Buffalo
| |
11887 | Influence of preconsumptive metabolism upon the toxicokinetics and bioavailability of a model carcinogen in the flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus) | | - Pseudopleuronectes americanus
| | - Kleinow, Kevin M Kleinow
- Cahill, Jeanne M Cahill
- McElroy, Anne E McElroy
| - Louisiana State University
- University of Massachusetts, Boston
- University of Massachusetts, Boston
| |
10776 | Negative evidence for exchange of chlorphenol red and competitor anions across the renal tubular epithelium of Winter Flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus) | | - Pseudopleuronectes americanus
| | | - State University of New York, Health Science Center Syracuse
| |
10443 | Notes on the In Vitro procedure used for the study of cellular transport kinetics in isolated renal tubules of the Flounder, Pseudopleuronectes americanus | | - Pseudopleuronectes americanus
| | | | |
10445 | Run-out of chlorphenol red following luminal concentration by isolated renal tubules of the Flounder | | - Pseudopleuronectes americanus
| | - Hong, Suk Ki Hong
- Forster, Roy P Forster
| - University of Buffalo
- Dartmouth College
| |
12967 | The Effects of 6063 Injections On Urine and Plasma Composition in Fishes | | - Squalus acanthias
- Myoxocephalus octodecimspinosus
- Myoxocephalus scorpius
- Pseudopleuronectes americanus
- Lophius piscatorius
- Ameiurus nebulosus
- Micropterus salamoides
| - Spiny dogfish
- Longhorn sculpin
- Shorthorn sculpin
- Winter flounder
- Anglerfish
- Catfish
- Bass
| - Heinemann, H O Heinemann
- Hodler, Jurg E Hodler
| - New York University
- New York University
| |
11772 | The interaction of the reference hepatotoxins carbon tetrachloride and allyl formate with beta naphthoflavone mediated P-450 induction in the winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus) | | - Pseudopleuronectes americanus
| | - Kleinow, Kevin M Kleinow
- Droy, Brad F Droy
- Buhler, Don R Buhler
- Williams, David E Williams
| - Louisiana State University
- Louisiana State University
- * Unknown
- * Unknown
| |
10447 | The transport of indigo carmine and neutral red by the isolated Flounder tubules | | - Pseudopleuronectes americanus
| | - Jacobson, Edmund Jacobson
- Fishman, Alfred P Fishman
| - Johns Hopkins University
- Columbia University
| |
10375 | Transport of phenolsulfonphthalein dyes in isolated tubules of the Founder and in kidney slices of the Dogfish. Competitive phenomena | | - Squalus acanthias
- Pseudopleuronectes americanus
| - Spiny dogfish
- Winter flounder
| - Forster, Roy P Forster
- Sperber, Ivar Sperber
- Taggart, John V Taggart
| - Dartmouth College
- Swedish University of Agricultural Science
- Columbia University
| |
12974 | Tubular Transport of Phenol Red in the Flounder Kidney | | - Pseudopleuronectes americanus
| | - Wasserman, Karlman Wasserman
- Becker, E Lovell Becker
- Fishman, Alfred P Fishman
| - Tulane University
- New York University
- Harvard University
| |
10505 | Uptake and run-out of chlorphenol red by isolated renal tubules of Flounder in vitro | | - Pseudopleuronectes americanus
| | - Hong, Suk Ki Hong
- Forster, Roy P Forster
| - University of Buffalo
- Dartmouth College
| |