10390 | Active transport by renal tubule cells | | | | - Forster, Roy P Forster
- Berglund, Fredrik Berglund
- Rubin, Martin I Rubin
- Plimpton, Sarah Plimpton
| - Dartmouth College
- University of Cincinnati
- Georgetown University
- Smith College
| |
10467 | Active transport of endogenous bases in the aglomerular kidney of Lophius americanus | | | | - Forster, Roy P Forster
- Berglund, Fredrik Berglund
- Rennick, Barbara R Rennick
| - Dartmouth College
- Boston University
- State University of New York
| |
10497 | Competitive inhibition involving the secretion of PAH and Diodrast by the aglomerular kidney of Lophius | | | | - Forster, Roy P Forster
- Hong, Suk Ki Hong
- Forster, Peggy Forster
| - Dartmouth College
- University of Buffalo
- Vassar College
| |
12968 | Composition of Body Fluids in Elasmobranchs | | - Squalus acanthias
- Raja diaphanes
- Raja erinacea
- Lophius piscatorius
| - Spiny dogfish
- Clearnose skate
- Little skate
- Anglerfish
| - Heinemann, H O Heinemann
- Hodler, Jurg E Hodler
| - New York University
- New York University
| |
10459 | Effect of carinamide on sulfate and thiosulfate secretion in the aglomerular kidney of Lophius americanus | | | | - Berglund, Fredrik Berglund
- Howe, Robert B Howe
- Forster, Roy P Forster
| - Boston University
- Union College
- Dartmouth College
| |
12960 | Kidney Function Studies on Three Species of Marine Fish with Varying Degrees of Glomerular Development (Myoxocephalus octodecimspinosus, Myoxocephalus scorpius and Lophius piscatorius) | | - Myoxocephalus octodecimspinosus
- Myoxocephalus scorpius
- Lophius piscatorius
| - Longhorn sculpin
- Shorthorn sculpin
- Anglerfish
| | | |
10468 | Potassium transport by kidney slices of Lophius americanus | | | | - Foulkes, Ernest C Foulkes
- Forster, Roy P Forster
| - University of Cincinnati
- Dartmouth College
| |
10501 | Relation of blood oxygen content and renal succinoxidase activity to TmPAH | | | | - Goldstein, Leon Goldstein
- Forster, Roy P Forster
| - Dartmouth College
- Dartmouth College
| |
10482 | Renal excretion of tetraethylammonium in Lophius americanus | | | | | - State University of New York
| |
12967 | The Effects of 6063 Injections On Urine and Plasma Composition in Fishes | | - Squalus acanthias
- Myoxocephalus octodecimspinosus
- Myoxocephalus scorpius
- Pseudopleuronectes americanus
- Lophius piscatorius
- Ameiurus nebulosus
- Micropterus salamoides
| - Spiny dogfish
- Longhorn sculpin
- Shorthorn sculpin
- Winter flounder
- Anglerfish
- Catfish
- Bass
| - Heinemann, H O Heinemann
- Hodler, Jurg E Hodler
| - New York University
- New York University
| |
10427 | Urinary excretion of divalent ions and organic bases in the Aglomerular Goosefish, Lophius americanus | | | | - Berglund, Fredrik Berglund
- Forster, Roy P Forster
- Malvin, Richard L Malvin
- Rennick, Barbara Rennick
| - Boston University
- Dartmouth College
- University of Michigan
- State University of New York
| |