11877 | A fast method for isolation of single myocytes from the spiny dogfish heart (Squalus acanthias) | | | | - Sorbera, L A Sorbera
- Zanotti, R Zanotti
- Orkand, A Orkand
- Dukes, Iain D Dukes
- Morad, Martin Morad
| - MDI Biological Laboratory
- University of Pennsylvania
- University of Pennsylvania
- Duke University
- University of Pennsylvania
| |
10397 | Adrenalin diuresis in the Spiny Dogfish, Squalus acanthias | | | | - McCrory, Wallace W McCrory
- Biggs, Albert W Biggs
- Boyarsky, Saul Boyarsky
- Rieck, Alvin Rieck
- Soley, Robert Soley
| - University of Pennsylvania
- New York University
- New York University
- Marquette University
- Yale University
| |
11873 | Caffeine-induced Ca2+ release stimulates Ca2+ efflux via the Na+-Ca2+ exchanger in single mammalian cardiac myocytes | | - Rattus norvegicus
- Cavia porcellus
| | - Callewaert, Geert Callewaert
- Cleemann, Lars Cleemann
- Morad, Martin Morad
| - University of Pennsylvania
- University of Pennsylvania
- University of Pennsylvania
| |
11821 | Cation specificity in cell volume maintenance in rectal gland cells of the dogfish (Squalus acanthias) | | | | - Booz, George W Booz
- Feldman, George M Feldman
- Mills, John W Mills
- Kleinzeller, Arnost Kleinzeller
| - University of Pennsylvania
- University of Pennsylvania
- Dartmouth Medical School
- University of Pennsylvania
| |
11856 | Cl- and HCO3- influence propionate exit from rectal gland cells of Squalus acanthias | | | | - Feldman, George M Feldman
- McCallum, Scott McCallum
- Ziyadeh, Fuad N Ziyadeh
- Kleinzeller, Arnost Kleinzeller
| - University of Pennsylvania
- University of Pennsylvania
- University of Pennsylvania
- University of Pennsylvania
| |
10781 | Cleavage of Sand Dollar eggs with constrained surfaces | | | | - Rappaport, Raymond Rappaport
- Ratner, Jeffery H Ratner
| - Union College
- University of Pennsylvania
| |
10761 | Effect of actinomycin D and cyanide on protein synthesis in embryos of Fundulus heteroclitus | | | | - Crawford, Richard B Crawford
- Wilde, Charles E Wilde, Jr
- Hendler, Fred J Hendler
| - University of Pennsylvania
- University of Pennsylvania
- State University of New York, Downstate College of Medicine
| |
11781 | Effect of diazepam on chloride secretion and cell volume in the rectal gland of the shark (Squalus acanthias) | | | | - Ziyadeh, Fuad N Ziyadeh
- Feldman, George M Feldman
- Lear, Stephanie Lear
| - University of Pennsylvania
- University of Pennsylvania
- Beth Israel Hospital
| |
11868 | Effect of heavy metals on rectal gland volume, morphology and cytoskeleton of shark (Squalus acanthias) rectal gland | | | | - Mills, John W Mills
- Coutermarsh, Bonita A Coutermarsh
- Salazar, Peter Salazar
- Kleinzeller, Amost Kleinzeller
| - Dartmouth College
- Dartmouth College
- * Unknown
- University of Pennsylvania
| |
11809 | Effect of high KCl on the localization of F-actin in tubule cells of the shark (Squalus acanthias) rectal gland | | | | - Mills, John W Mills
- Saks, Elise Saks
- Kleinzeller, Arnost Kleinzeller
| - Dartmouth Medical School
- * Unknown
- University of Pennsylvania
| |
11858 | Evidence for Na+/H+ exchange in rectal gland cells of Squalus acanthias | | | | - Feldman, George M Feldman
- McCallum, Scott McCallum
| - University of Pennsylvania
- University of Pennsylvania
| |
11849 | Hexose transport by dogfish (Squalus acanthias) and flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus) erythrocytes | | - Squalus acanthias
- Pseudopleuronectes americanus
| - Spiny dogfish
- Winter flounder
| - Booz, George W Booz
- Kleinzeller, Arnost Kleinzeller
- Payne, John A Payne
| - Thomas Jefferson University
- University of Pennsylvania
- University of Florida
| |
11814 | Iso-osmotic cell swelling induced by propionate in rectal gland of shark (Squalus acanthias) | | | | - Feldman, George M Feldman
- Ziyadeh, Fuad N Ziyadeh
- Booz, George W Booz
- Mills, John W Mills
- Kleinzeller, Arnost Kleinzeller
| - University of Pennsylvania
- University of Pennsylvania
- University of Pennsylvania
- Dartmouth Medical School
- University of Pennsylvania
| |
11851 | Modulation of taurine transport in rectal gland cells of the shark (Squalus acanthias) | | | | - Ziyadeh, Fuad N Ziyadeh
- Feldman, George M Feldman
- Kleinzeller, Amost Kleinzeller
| - University of Pennsylvania
- University of Pennsylvania
- University of Pennsylvania
| |
10404 | Oxygen electrode measurements on the respiration of echinoderm gametes | | - Echinoidea
- Asterias vulgaris
| | - Borei, Hans G Borei
- Lybing, Sigvar Lybing
| - University of Pennsylvania
- University of Pennsylvania
| |
11860 | Recovery of cell volume and solute composition following potassium-induced swelling in rectal gland cells of the shark (Squalus acanthias): Properties of the system | | | | - Ziyadeh, Fuad N Ziyadeh
- Mills, John W Mills
- Booz, George W Booz
- Kleinzeller, Amost Kleinzeller
| - University of Pennsylvania
- Dartmouth College
- Thomas Jefferson University
- University of Pennsylvania
| |
11874 | Regulation of contraction by Ca2+ channel and [Na+]i in isolated dogfish (Squalus acanthias) cardiac myocytes | | | | - Nabauer, Michael Nabauer
- Dukes, Iain D Dukes
- Sorbera, L A Sorbera
- Morad, Martin Morad
| - MDI Biological Laboratory
- Duke University
- MDI Biological Laboratory
- University of Pennsylvania
| |
10461 | Rhodanese in marine invertebrates | | | | | - University of Pennsylvania
| |
10406 | Role of manganese in Sea Urchin metabolism | | | | - Borei, Hans G Borei
- Dodge, Frederick A Dodge
| - University of Pennsylvania
- Rockefeller University
| |
11875 | Simultaneous measurements of intracellular Ca2+ transients and cell shortening in single cardiac myocytes from Ratus ratus | | | | - Cleemann, Lars Cleemann
- Dukes, Iain D Dukes
- Morad, Martin Morad
| - University of Pennsylvania
- Duke University
- University of Pennsylvania
| |
10401 | Studies on immediate transpulmonary passage of tumor cell emboli in Mice | | | | | - University of Pennsylvania
| |
11807 | Taurine uptake and efflux in rectal gland cells of shark (Squalus acanthias) | | | | - Ziyadeh, Fuad N Ziyadeh
- Feldman, George M Feldman
- Booz, George W Booz
- Kleinzeller, Arnost Kleinzeller
| - University of Pennsylvania
- University of Pennsylvania
- University of Pennsylvania
- University of Pennsylvania
| |
11764 | The binding sites involved in p-chloromercuribenzene sulfonate (PCMBS) induced swelling of dogfish (Squalus acanthias) rectal gland cells | | | | - Booz, George W Booz
- Ziyadeh, Fuad N Ziyadeh
- Feldman, George M Feldman
- Kleinzeller, Arnost Kleinzeller
| - University of Pennsylvania
- University of Pennsylvania
- University of Pennsylvania
- University of Pennsylvania
| |
10780 | The movement of foreign organic compounds across the gills of marine animals | | - Squalus acanthias
- Myoxocephalus scorpius
- Homarus vulgaris
| - Spiny dogfish
- Shorthorn sculpin
- Lobster
| - Rail, David P Rail
- Bachur, Nicholas R Bachur
- Ratner, Jeffery H Ratner
| - National Cancer Institute
- National Institutes of Health
- University of Pennsylvania
| |
10462 | The normal development of the Sand Dollar egg | | | | - Borei, Hans G Borei
- Rudnitzky, Jerome Rudnitzky
| - University of Pennsylvania
- University of Pennsylvania
| |