11788 | Absence of glial fibrillary acidic protein response to cryogenic injury in skate (Raja erinacea) | | | | - Kraig, Richard P Kraig
- Jaeger, CB Jaeger
| - Weill Cornell Medical College
- New York University Medical Center
| |
11776 | Changes in extracellular potassium evoked by local surface stimulation of the cerebellum in Raja erinacea | | | | - Rice, ME Rice
- Nicholson, C Nicholson
| - New York University Medical Center
- New York University Medical Center
| |
11805 | Circadian rhythm expressed by the short circuit current in the opercular epithelium of killifish, Fundulus heteroclitus | | | | | - New York University Medical Center
| |
11869 | Copper inhibits cAMP production stimulated by isoproterenol in the opercular epithelium of Fundulus heteroclitus | | | | - Scheide, John I Scheide
- Zadunaisky, Jose A Zadunaisky
| - Central Michigan University
- New York University Medical Center
| |
11803 | Copper modifies the isoproterenol stimulation of the corneal chlorine current in the bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana | | | | - Zadunaisky, Jose A Zadunaisky
- Reing, Charles Reing
- Scheide, John I Scheide
| - New York University Medical Center
- New York University Medical Center
- New York University Medical Center
| |
11872 | Dithiothreitol reduces the effect of copper on the isolated cornea of the bullfrog Rana catesbiana | | | | - Zadunaisky, Jose A Zadunaisky
- Lowenstein, Benjamin Lowenstein
- Scheide, John I Scheide
| - New York University Medical Center
- Bates College
- Central Michigan University
| |
11804 | Effect of copper and zinc on intestinal chloride absorption in the winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus) | | - Pseudopleuronectes americanus
| | - Charney, Alan N Charney
- Scheide, John I Scheide
- Ingrassia, Peter Ingrassia
- Zadunaisky, Jose A Zadunaisky
| - New York University Medical Center
- New York University Medical Center
- New York University Medical Center
- New York University Medical Center
| |
11848 | Effect of pH on intestinal chloride influx in the winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus) | | - Pseudopleuronectes americanus
| | - Charney, Alan N Charney
- Zadunaisky, Jose A Zadunaisky
- Charney, Danielle Charney
- Charney, Meredith Charney
| - New York University Medical Center
- New York University Medical Center
- * Unknown
- * Unknown
| |
11820 | Histochemical study of Na+-K+- ATPase and carbonic anhydrase in the ciliary epithelium of the spiny dogfish, Squalus acanthias | | | | - Flügel, Cassandra Flügel
- Eichhorn, Michael Eichhorn
- Lütjen-Drecoll, Elke Lütjen-Drecoll
- Wiederholt, Michael Wiederholt
- Zadunaisky, Jose A Zadunaisky
| - Universitat Erlangen Nurnberg
- Universitat Erlangen Nurnberg
- Universitat Erlangen Nurnberg
- Free University of Berlin
- New York University Medical Center
| |
11844 | Inhibition of chloride secretion by somatostatin in isolated chloride-cell rich opercular epithelia (Fundulus heteroclitus) | | | | - Zadunaisky, Jose A Zadunaisky
- Lahlou, Brahim Lahlou
- Lowenstein, Benjamin Lowenstein
| - New York University Medical Center
- Laboratoire de Physiologie Cellulaire et Comparee
- Bates College
| |
11799 | Preparation of lens fibers membrane vesicles of dogfish Squalus acanthias eyes | | | | - Pearce, S Pearce
- Yellin, S Yellin
- Kinne, Rolf Kinne
- Zadunaisky, Jose A Zadunaisky
| - New York University Medical Center
- New York University Medical Center
- Max-Planck-Institut
- New York University Medical Center
| |
11802 | Response of ventral aortic rings from the shark, Squalus acanthias, to cadmium and other vasoactive substances | | | | - Evans, David H Evans
- Payne, John A Payne
- Weingarten, Karl E Weingarten
| - New York University Medical Center
- University of Florida
- University of Florida
| |
11766 | The effect of Forskolin on the isolated ciliary epithelium of the shark, Squalus acanthias | | | | - Wiederholt, Michael Wiederholt
- Zadunaisky, Jose A Zadunaisky
| - Free University of Berlin
- New York University Medical Center
| |
11841 | Transport properties of the isolated pigmented epithelium of the shark (Squalus acanthias) ciliary body | | | | - Wiederholt, Michael Wiederholt
- Flugel, Cassandra Flugel
- Lutjen-Drecoll, Elke Lutjen-Drecoll
- Zadunaisky, Jose A Zadunaisky
| - Free University of Berlin
- Universitat Erlangen Nurnberg
- Universitat Erlangen Nurnberg
- New York University Medical Center
| |