11877 | A fast method for isolation of single myocytes from the spiny dogfish heart (Squalus acanthias) | | | | - Sorbera, L A Sorbera
- Zanotti, R Zanotti
- Orkand, A Orkand
- Dukes, Iain D Dukes
- Morad, Martin Morad
| - MDI Biological Laboratory
- University of Pennsylvania
- University of Pennsylvania
- Duke University
- University of Pennsylvania
| |
11854 | Activation of Na/H exchange by phorbol esters in red cells of the dogfish shark (Squalus acanthias) | | | | - Payne, John A Payne
- McManus, Thomas J McManus
| - University of Florida
- Duke University
| |
11857 | Cell volume-dependent potassium transport in skate (Raja erinacea) red blood cells | | | | - Dickman, Kathleen Dickman
- Goldstein, Leon Goldstein
| - Duke University
- Brown University
| |
11837 | Effect of capture stress on plasma and red cell parameters in Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus): Evidence for in-vivo red cell volume regulation | | | | - Starke, Lawrence C Starke
- McManus, Thomas J McManus
| - Duke University
- Duke University
| |
10486 | Extra-renal salt excretion in marine birds | | | | - Schmidt-Nielsen, Knut Schmidt-Nielsen
| | |
10511 | Extrarenal salt secretion in marine birds | | | | - Schmidt-Nielsen, Knut Schmidt-Nielsen
| | |
10487 | Fetal thyroid of the Spiny Dogfish, Squalus acanthias | | | | - Schmidt-Nielsen, Knut Schmidt-Nielsen
| | |
10760 | Further studies on external sodium fluxes in the Dogfish, Squalus acanthias | | | | - Burger, J Wendell Burger
- Horowicz, Paul Horowicz
| - Trinity College
- Duke University
| |
10510 | Kidney function in the Beaver | | | | - Schmidt-Nielsen, Bodil Schmidt-Nielsen
- O’Dell, Roberta O’Dell
- Osaki, Humio Osaki
| - Duke University
- Duke University
- Duke University
| |
10448 | On porosity of gill filters and filtration rate in Mussels (Mytilus edulis) | | | | - Jorgensen, C Barker Jorgensen
| | |
11874 | Regulation of contraction by Ca2+ channel and [Na+]i in isolated dogfish (Squalus acanthias) cardiac myocytes | | | | - Nabauer, Michael Nabauer
- Dukes, Iain D Dukes
- Sorbera, L A Sorbera
- Morad, Martin Morad
| - MDI Biological Laboratory
- Duke University
- MDI Biological Laboratory
- University of Pennsylvania
| |
11875 | Simultaneous measurements of intracellular Ca2+ transients and cell shortening in single cardiac myocytes from Ratus ratus | | | | - Cleemann, Lars Cleemann
- Dukes, Iain D Dukes
- Morad, Martin Morad
| - University of Pennsylvania
- Duke University
- University of Pennsylvania
| |
12970 | The Effect of Some Ecological Factors on Renal Function in the Frog | | | | - Schmidt-Nielsen, Bodil Schmidt-Nielsen
- Forster, Roy P Forster
| - Duke University
- Dartmouth College
| |
10452 | The secretopm pf hypertonic salt solutions in marine birds | | | | - Schmidt-Nielsen, Knut Schmidt-Nielsen
- Jorgensen, C Barker Jorgensen
- Osaki, Humio Osaki
| - Duke University
- Duke University
- Duke University
| |
11876 | Two types of Ca2+ channels in cardiac myocytes from Squalus acanthias | | | | - Dukes, Iain D Dukes
- Nabauer, Michael Nabauer
- Morad, Martin Morad
| - Duke University
- MDI Biological Laboratory
- University of Pennsylvania
| |
10485 | Urea excretion and diving in the Seal (Phoca vitulina L.) | | | | - Schmidt-Nielsen, Bodil Schmidt-Nielsen
- Murdaugh, H V Murdaugh, Jr
- O’Dell, Roberta O’Dell
- Bacsanyi, James Bacsanyi
| - Duke University
- Duke University
- Duke University
- Duke University
| |
10423 | Urea excretion in Toads and Frogs | | | | - Schmidt-Nielsen, Bodil Schmidt-Nielsen
- Slater, Judy Slater
| - Duke University
- New York University
| |