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You searched for: Institution: is exactly 'Dartmouth Medical School'✖
Item | Title | Date | Species | Common Name | Author | Institution | |
11821 | Cation specificity in cell volume maintenance in rectal gland cells of the dogfish (Squalus acanthias) |
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11823 | Cellular electrophysiology of homologous diluting segment from Squalus acanthias kidney |
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11809 | Effect of high KCl on the localization of F-actin in tubule cells of the shark (Squalus acanthias) rectal gland |
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11816 | Fluorescence ratio measurement of luminal pH in single perfused proximal II segments of the dogfish kidney (Squalus acanthias) |
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11815 | Identification of a possible site for active urea transport in distal nephrons of Squalus acanthias |
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11814 | Iso-osmotic cell swelling induced by propionate in rectal gland of shark (Squalus acanthias) |