1 - 25 of 408 results of 17 Next Page TableGridIndex AuthorBulletinCommon NameDateIdentifierInstitutionReportSpeciesTitleType 102550100200 AllWith Images Item 10484 “Morphogenetic Death” in embryonic developmentItem 12950 1950 Scientific Personnel, Staff, SeminarsItem 12958 1951 Scientific Personnel, Staff, SeminarsItem 12963 1952 Scientific Personnel, Staff, SeminarsItem 10370 1953 Scientific Personnel, Staff, Seminar Program (Evening Seminars, Informal Seminars, Special Symposium)Item 10384 1954 Scientific Personnel, Staff, Seminar Program (Evening Seminars, Informal Seminars, Special Symposium, Special Meetings and Seminars)Item 10402 1955 Scientific Personnel, Staff, Seminar Program (Evening Seminars, Informal Seminars, Informal Seminars (for Co-op), Special Symposium)Item 10425 1956 Scientific Personnel, Staff, Seminar Program (Evening Seminars, Informal Evenings)Item 10456 1957 Scientific Personnel, Staff, Seminar Program (Evening Seminars, Informal Evenings, Informal Seminars (for Co‑op))Item 10489 1958 Scientific Personnel, Staff, Seminar Program (Evening Seminars, Informal Evenings, Informal Seminars (for Co-op), Lectures on the Metabolism of the Kidney – W.D. Lotspeich)Item 11877 A fast method for isolation of single myocytes from the spiny dogfish heart (Squalus acanthias)Item 10308 A histologic study of the effect of the clinical use of various anesthetics on motor and sensory nerve‑endings into and around the anusItem 10396 A preliminary study of the fresh water protozoan fauna of Mount Desert IslandItem 10454 A quantitative analysis of time relationships in the early cleavage of normal fertilized eggs of Echinarachnius parma, and the effect of photodynamic actionItem 12965 A Study of Pulmonary Epithelium of the Tadpole (Rana Catesbiana) in Tissue CultureItem 10309 A study of the action of certain drugs on the vessels of the DogfishItem 11788 Absence of glial fibrillary acidic protein response to cryogenic injury in skate (Raja erinacea)Item 10307 Absorption and excretion of sulfanilamide in fishItem 10509 Acclimation of oxygen consumption to temperature in Fundulus heteroclitusItem 11888 Accumulation of calcium and magnesium in Raja erinacea egg capsule during formation and after ovipositionItem 10779 Acid phosphatase and senescence in Campanularia flexuosaItem 10778 Acid-base parameters of wild versus laboratory maintained Dogfish – The problem of normal values in Marine BiologyItem 11765 Acid-base regulation in long-horned sculpin (Myoxocephalus octodecimspinosus) during exposure to low salinitiesItem 11854 Activation of Na/H exchange by phorbol esters in red cells of the dogfish shark (Squalus acanthias)Item 10390 Active transport by renal tubule cells of 17 Next Page