408 results


“Morphogenetic Death” in embryonic development

1950 Scientific Personnel, Staff, Seminars

1951 Scientific Personnel, Staff, Seminars

1952 Scientific Personnel, Staff, Seminars

1953 Scientific Personnel, Staff, Seminar Program (Evening Seminars, Informal Seminars, Special Symposium)

1954 Scientific Personnel, Staff, Seminar Program (Evening Seminars, Informal Seminars, Special Symposium, Special Meetings and Seminars)

1955 Scientific Personnel, Staff, Seminar Program (Evening Seminars, Informal Seminars, Informal Seminars (for Co-op), Special Symposium)

1956 Scientific Personnel, Staff, Seminar Program (Evening Seminars, Informal Evenings)

1957 Scientific Personnel, Staff, Seminar Program (Evening Seminars, Informal Evenings, Informal Seminars (for Co‑op))

1958 Scientific Personnel, Staff, Seminar Program (Evening Seminars, Informal Evenings, Informal Seminars (for Co-op), Lectures on the Metabolism of the Kidney – W.D. Lotspeich)


A fast method for isolation of single myocytes from the spiny dogfish heart (Squalus acanthias)

A histologic study of the effect of the clinical use of various anesthetics on motor and sensory nerve‑endings into and around the anus

A preliminary study of the fresh water protozoan fauna of Mount Desert Island

A quantitative analysis of time relationships in the early cleavage of normal fertilized eggs of Echinarachnius parma, and the effect of photodynamic action

A Study of Pulmonary Epithelium of the Tadpole (Rana Catesbiana) in Tissue Culture

A study of the action of certain drugs on the vessels of the Dogfish

Absence of glial fibrillary acidic protein response to cryogenic injury in skate (Raja erinacea)

Absorption and excretion of sulfanilamide in fish

Acclimation of oxygen consumption to temperature in Fundulus heteroclitus

Accumulation of calcium and magnesium in Raja erinacea egg capsule during formation and after oviposition

Acid phosphatase and senescence in Campanularia flexuosa

Acid-base parameters of wild versus laboratory maintained Dogfish – The problem of normal values in Marine Biology

Acid-base regulation in long-horned sculpin (Myoxocephalus octodecimspinosus) during exposure to low salinities

Activation of Na/H exchange by phorbol esters in red cells of the dogfish shark (Squalus acanthias)

Active transport by renal tubule cells

Active transport of endogenous bases in the aglomerular kidney of Lophius americanus

Adrenalin diuresis in the Spiny Dogfish, Squalus acanthias

Altered plasma membrane ion permeability in mercury-induced injury to isolated hepatocytes from Raja erinacea

Anion transport in red cells of the dogfish shark, Squalus acanthias

Antennal contact chemoreception in the Wood Nymph Butterfly, Cercyonis pegala

Apparent substrate inhibition of Na+ K+ ATPase in microsomal preparations from crab (Carsinus maenas) gill

Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) assayed in plasma of Squalus acanthias

Atrial natriuretic peptide and its binding sites in kidney and aorta of the Atlantic hagfish (Myxine glutinosa)

Atrial natriuretic peptide stimulates cGMP accumulation in the rectal gland of Squalus acanthias

Auditory and visual communication in the Herring Gull, Larus argentatus

Azide insensitivity of oxygen consumption and some cytochromes of the gastric mucosa of Raja erinacea


Biliverdin reductase activity in the little skate, Raja erinacea

Bioavailability, biotransformation and elimination of benzo(a)pyrene and benzo(a)pyrene-7, 8-dihydrodiol in the lobster (Homarus americanus)

Bombesin inhibits stimulated chloride secretion by the rectal gland of Squalus acanthias


Cadmium inhibition of sodium-alanine cotransport in renal brush border membranes from the winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus)

Caffeine-induced Ca2+ release stimulates Ca2+ efflux via the Na+-Ca2+ exchanger in single mammalian cardiac myocytes

Calcification in Molluscs: Repair and regeneration studies in Mytilus edulis

Carbonic anhydrase in the uterine sea water acidification process in Squalus acanthias: localization and the effect of various inhibitors

Carbonic anhydrase inhibition in the elasmobranch: Effect on aqueous humor and cerebrospinal fluid CO2

Carbonic anhydrase inhibition in the gill and erythrocyte of the Dogfish

Cation specificity in cell volume maintenance in rectal gland cells of the dogfish (Squalus acanthias)

Cell volume-dependent potassium transport in skate (Raja erinacea) red blood cells

Cellular electrophysiology of homologous diluting segment from Squalus acanthias kidney

Central control of autonomic function in the Dogfish

Changes in extracellular potassium evoked by local surface stimulation of the cerebellum in Raja erinacea

Changes in the ultraviolet LD50 during the cleavage cycle in zygotes of Echinarachnius parma

Characteristics of the blood-brain and blood‑spinal fluid barriers in Squalus acanthias

Characterization of a Na+/H+ exchanger in renal brush border membranes of Squalus acanthias

Characterization of urea transport and water permeability in microperfused bundle zone nephron segments from Squalus acanthias

Chemical colorimetry of Squalus acanthias bile

Chloride uptake pathways into primary cultures of Squalus acanthias rectal gland epithelial cells

Circadian rhythm expressed by the short circuit current in the opercular epithelium of killifish, Fundulus heteroclitus

Cl- and HCO3- influence propionate exit from rectal gland cells of Squalus acanthias

Claspers and siphon sacs of the Spiny Dogfish, Squalus acanthias

Cleavage and cell movement in the early development of Gammarus

Cleavage and cell movement in the early development of Marinogammarus finmarchicus

Cleavage and polar lobe formation in fertilized eggs of Ilyanassa obsoleta in the presence of altered substrata

Cleavage intervals at different temperatures in fertilized eggs of Echinarachnius parma

Cleavage of Sand Dollar eggs with constrained surfaces

Comparative histochemistry of esterases and mucopolysaccharides

Comparative study of the ribonucleases of several marine species

Competitive inhibition involving the secretion of PAH and Diodrast by the aglomerular kidney of Lophius

Composition of Body Fluids in Elasmobranchs

Conjugation and excretion of phenolic compounds by the lobster, Homarus americanus

Contrasting inhibitory effects of probenecid on tubular excretion of P-aminohippurate and on active reabsorption of urea in the Dogfish

Copper inhibits cAMP production stimulated by isoproterenol in the opercular epithelium of Fundulus heteroclitus

Copper modifies the isoproterenol stimulation of the corneal chlorine current in the bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana

Corpus luteum function and regulation in the skate, Raja erinacea

Cyclic AMP activation of sodium pump and potassium exit in cultured cells of the rectal gland of Squalus acanthias


Development of esterase in the egg of Marinogammarus (Amphipoda)

Diacylglycerol levels in hypo-osmotically treated erythrocytes from the little skate Raja erinacea

Diodrast I131 transport by isolated perfused renal tubules

Disposition of dietary benzo(a)pyrene in aquatic species: winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus) and green crab (Carcinus maenas)

Distribution of carbonic anhydrase in several non-mammalian species, with a few notes on function

Distribution of quinine in the Dogfish (Squalus acanthias)

Dithiothreitol reduces the effect of copper on the isolated cornea of the bullfrog Rana catesbiana

Diuretic effects on NaCl transport by the flounder urinary bladder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus)

Drug transfer from blood to brain, ventricular and cerebrospinal fluids of Squalus acanthias


Ecology of the Acorn Barnacle, Balanus balanoides

Effect of actinomycin D and cyanide on protein synthesis in embryos of Fundulus heteroclitus

Effect of cadmium on sodium alanine cotransport in renal brush border membranes isolated from the winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus): time dependence, sensitivity and reversibility

Effect of capture stress on plasma and red cell parameters in Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus): Evidence for in-vivo red cell volume regulation

Effect of carinamide on sulfate and thiosulfate secretion in the aglomerular kidney of Lophius americanus

Effect of commercial ACTH upon chromatophore number

Effect of copper and zinc on intestinal chloride absorption in the winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus)

Effect of diazepam on chloride secretion and cell volume in the rectal gland of the shark (Squalus acanthias)

Effect of heavy metals on rectal gland volume, morphology and cytoskeleton of shark (Squalus acanthias) rectal gland

Effect of high KCl on the localization of F-actin in tubule cells of the shark (Squalus acanthias) rectal gland

Effect of hypothalamic peptides on secretion of Squalus acanthias rectal gland

Effect of mercury on sodium alanine co-transport in basolateral liver plasma membranes isolated from Raja erinacea

Effect of pH on intestinal chloride influx in the winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus)

Effects of 6-diazo-oxo-1-norleucine (Don) and O-Diazoacetyl-1-serine (Azaserine) on the fertilized Sand-dollar egg (Echinarachnius parma)

Effects of acetazolamide on the electroretinogram of the skate (Raja oscellata)

Effects of changes in temperature on body fluid pH in the Dogfish, Squalus acanthias

Effects of DON (6-Diazo-5-Oxo-L-Norleucine) and Azaserine on the Sand-Dollar embryo

Effects of donor kidney homogenates on the survival of kidney tissue homotransplants

Effects of inhibitors of Na/K/2C1 cotransport on cyclic GMP content of the intestine of Pseudopleuronectes americanus

Effects of mercurial and arsenical compounds on serosal influx of rubidium in winter flounder intestine (Pseudopleuronectes americanus)

Effects of mercurial compounds on the transmembrane potential of cultured rectal gland cells from Squalus acanthias

Effects of mercurials and arsenicals on sodium-tyrosine cotransport in brush border membrane vesicles isolated from flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus) intestine

Electrical discharge and acetylcholine output from Raja erinacea electric organ are decreased by cadmium

Electrogenic Na+/H+ exchange in membrane vesicles from crab (Carcinus maenas) gill

Electrolyte metabolism of the Swimbladder and Gastric Mucosa

Electrolyte transport in aglomerular tubules of the Goosefish, Lophius piscatorius

Electrophoretic patterns of sera from various animals as contrasted with patterns of Human sera

Embryological Investigation

Energetics and sodium transport in erythrocytes of the Spiny Dogfish Squalus acanthias

Esterases and peptidase in marine invertebrate embryos

Evidence for Na+/H+ exchange in rectal gland cells of Squalus acanthias

Excretion in Lobster, Homarus: II.

Excretion in the Lobster, Homarus

Excretion in the Lobster, Homarus: III

Excretion in the Lobster, Homarus: IV

Excretion of a sodium chloride load by the marine Dogfish, Squalus acanthias

Excretion of drugs across the gill of the Dogfish, Squalus acanthias

Excretion of sodium bicarbonate and CO2 by the freshwater Catfish, Ameiurus nebulosus

Excretion of sodium bicarbonate by the freshwater Catfish (Ameiurus nebulosus)

Excretion of sodium bicarbonate by the Freshwater Catfish, (Ameiurus nebulosus)

Experimental study of calcification in Sand Dollar embryos

Experiments on the morphogenesis of regeneration fins in Fundulus heteroclitus

Exploration of a new method for the dissolution of calcium and magnesium kidney stones

Extra-renal salt excretion in marine birds

Extrarenal salt secretion in marine birds


Faunal notes

Fetal and adult thyroid glands of the Dogfish, Squalus acanthias

Fetal thyroid of the Spiny Dogfish, Squalus acanthias

ffect of atrial natriuretic peptide on renal function in Squalus acanthias

Field studies on acoustical behavior of certain chironomidae and culicidae

Fine structure and salt regulation

Fine structure of secretory epithelia

Fine structure of the rectal gland of Squalus acanthias after incubation of tissue slices in isomotic and hyperosmotic solutions

Fluorescence ratio measurement of luminal pH in single perfused proximal II segments of the dogfish kidney (Squalus acanthias)

Free radical formation and adriamycin nephrotoxicity studies in the hagfish (Myxine glutinosa)

Further experiments on location of contact chemoreceptors in insects

Further studies on external sodium fluxes in the Dogfish, Squalus acanthias

Further studies on renal glucose transport in Squalus acanthias: Effect of epinephrine

Further studies on the Adrenalin Diuresis in Squalus acanthias

Further study of the renal excretion of trimethylamine oxide in the Dogfish


Glomerular filtration rate and renal plasma flow in the fresh water brown Bullhead or Horned Pout

Growth inhibition of mouse sarcoma 180 in tissue cultures containing plasma from Chickens injected with tomor homogenates, and the effects on the tumor of previous passage on the chorioallantoic membrane of the Chick

Growth stimulation of spinal and sympathetic ganglia of the chick after transplantation of mouse sarcomas


Heavy metal effects on cleavage and larval development of the marine gastropod mollusk, Ilyanassa obsoleta stimpson

Hemoglobin excretion in the Hornpout, Ameirus nebulous

Hepatic blood flow in the Dogfish, Squalus acanthias

Hepatic excretion of inulin in the Dogfish, Squalus acanthias

Hepatic metabolism of some dyes by the Dogfish, Squalus acanthias

Hexose transport by dogfish (Squalus acanthias) and flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus) erythrocytes

Histochemical study of Na+-K+- ATPase and carbonic anhydrase in the ciliary epithelium of the spiny dogfish, Squalus acanthias

Hormonal control of glomerular filtration rate in a marine elasmobranch (Squalus acanthias)

HPLC measurements of adenosine in the rectal gland of Squalus acanthias: adenosine is released at inhibitory concentrations following hormonal stimulation of transport

Hydrogen ion-induced brain damage in skate (Raja erinacea)


Identification of a possible site for active urea transport in distal nephrons of Squalus acanthias

Immunoreactive atriopeptin in plasma and tissues of fishes: The effect of salinity change

In vitro acetylcholine synthesis and release in Raja erinacea electric organ

In Vitro Studies of Tissues from Sensitized Animals

In Vitro studies on the isolated renal tubule

In Vitro transport of dyes by isolated renal tubules of the Founder as disclosed by direct visualization. Intracellular accumulation and transcellular movement

In-vitro steroid secretion by sertoli/germ cell units (spermatocysts) derived from dogfish (Squalus acanthias) testis

Increased reabsorption of water from the urinary bladder of the Bullfrog, Rana catesbiana, in response to dehydration and neurohypophysial extracts

Increased renal reabsorption of water in the Toad, Bufo marinus, in response to dehydration and Toad neurohypophysial extract

Influence of preconsumptive metabolism upon the toxicokinetics and bioavailability of a model carcinogen in the flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus)

Inhibition of chloride secretion by somatostatin in isolated chloride-cell rich opercular epithelia (Fundulus heteroclitus)

Inhibition of Na+ K ATPase by zinc and cadmium in gill microsomal preparations of the green shore crab (Carcinus maenas)

Inhibitor insensitivity of oxygen consumption of cells from Raja erinacea gastric mucosa

Inhibitory effects of nickel on VIP and forskolin stimulated chloride secretion in the rectal gland of Squalus acanthias

Interrelations between protein elaboration and calcification in Molluscs

Intracellular microelectrode analysis of the membrane conductive properties of cultured Squalus acanthias rectal gland cells (2)

Invertebrate defense systems

Iso-osmotic cell swelling induced by propionate in rectal gland of shark (Squalus acanthias)

Isolation and in‑vitro expression of dogfish (Squalus acanthias) mRNA

Isolation, purification and in-vitro translation of mRNA from green shore crab (Carcinus maenas) gills


Kidney function in the Beaver

Kidney Function Studies on Three Species of Marine Fish with Varying Degrees of Glomerular Development (Myoxocephalus octodecimspinosus, Myoxocephalus scorpius and Lophius piscatorius)


Lectin binding to dogfish, Squalus acanthias, rectal gland

Localization of a plasma membrane Ca++-Pump in gill chloride cells and kidney distal tubule cells of the American eel (Anguilla rostrata)


Marking experiments to locate the presumptive endoderm in Fundulus heteroclitus

Maternal-emprbyo relationships in the Spiny Dogfish, Squalus acanthias

Mechanism of bombesin inhibition of stimulated chloride secretion by the rectal gland of Squalus acanthias

Metabolism of ammonium acetate in various animals

Methodologic problems in the study of cation transport in erythrocytes of the Dogfish, Squalus acanthias

Methods for isolation and culture of staged spermatogenic lobules and staged sertoli cells from dogfish testis (Squalus acanthias)

Micropuncture study of urea movements across the renal tubules of Squalus acanthias

Modulation of taurine transport in rectal gland cells of the shark (Squalus acanthias)

Mutarotase in the kidney of fish and frog


Negative evidence for exchange of chlorphenol red and competitor anions across the renal tubular epithelium of Winter Flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus)

Neurosecretion in Cucumaria

Nitrogenous waste excretion in the intertidal rock gunnel (Pholis gunnellus L.): The effects of emersion

Notes on Invertebrates Found At Salisbury Cove, Maine In July 1952

Notes on the In Vitro procedure used for the study of cellular transport kinetics in isolated renal tubules of the Flounder, Pseudopleuronectes americanus

Nutrition and Aging in Tokophrya infusionum


On porosity of gill filters and filtration rate in Mussels (Mytilus edulis)

On the coupling between metabolism and anaerobic sodium transport in the red blood cells of the Dogfish Shark (Squalus acanthias)

On the origin of trimethylamine oxide (TMAO) in the Spiny Dogfish, Squalus acanthias

Oxygen electrode measurements on the respiration of echinoderm gametes

Oxygen uptake in trans-isthmian and latitudinally distant populations of four cognate pairs of brachyura exposed to cyclic variation in temperature. [Special Report]


Partial characterization of hepatic binding proteins in the little skate, Raja erinacea

Permeability of uterine mucosa of gravid Squalus acanthias to phosphorus

Phenol red transport as an indication of functional capacity of developing Chick mesonephric and metanephric tubules

Phosphatase Activity of Selected Tissues

Photodynamic action of toluidine blue on sperm and eggs of Echinarachnius parma

Photodynamic action, dark action and effect on oxygen uptake of rose Bengal on sperm of Echinarachnius Parma

Plasma levels of atrial natriuretic peptide in Anguilla rostrata during adaptation to freshwater (FW) and seawater (SW)

Plasma volume, cardiac output and circulation time studies on the Seal (Phoca vitulina) during the dive reflex

Polar lobe function following equal first cleavage in Ilyanassa obsoleta embryos

Potassium membrane conductance in retinal glial cells of teleost and elasmobranch fishes (Alosa pseudoharengus and Squalus acanthias)

Potassium prevents entry of neutral red into yeast cells from acid media

Potassium transport by kidney slices of Lophius americanus

Preliminary investigations on the venous system associated with the mesonephros and metanephros during Chick development

Preparation of lens fibers membrane vesicles of dogfish Squalus acanthias eyes

Presence of a Na+/H+ exchanger in brush border membranes isolated from dogfish (Squalus acanthias) kidney

Properties of the adenosine triphosphatease system of the cell membranes of red blood cells of the Dogfish Shark, Squalus acanthias

Pseudocholinesterase activity in the Dogfish, Squalus acanthias

Purine catabolism and oxidative defenses in Mytilus edulis and Placopecten magellanicus: a model for mammalian reperfusion tissue injury


Reactions of arthropods to artificial and recorded sounds

Reactions of the spider, Araneus cavaticus, to high intensity sounds

Reactions to sounds by the Wood Nymph Butterfly

Recent investigation on the eel-grass problem: Preliminary report

Receptors for estradiol 17b in the oviduct of the skate, Raja erinacea

Reconstitution of Squalus acanthias chloride transport into liposomes

Recorded calls of the Eastern Crow as possible attractant and repellents

Recovery of cell volume and solute composition following potassium-induced swelling in rectal gland cells of the shark (Squalus acanthias): Properties of the system

Rectal gland fluid-plasma ratios of inulin and potassium in the Spiny Dogfish

Regeneration in Clava leptostyla Agassiz

Regulation of contraction by Ca2+ channel and [Na+]i in isolated dogfish (Squalus acanthias) cardiac myocytes

Regulation of ventricular fluid potassium concentration in Squalus acanthias

Relation of blood oxygen content and renal succinoxidase activity to TmPAH

Renal excretion of tetraethylammonium in Lophius americanus

Renal function in Squalus acanthias during acute seawater dilution: the importance of hemodynamic changes

Renal tubular reabsorption of glucose in Squalus acanthias

Response of Dogfish lymphocytes in tissue culture to phytohemogglutinin

Response of ventral aortic rings from the shark, Squalus acanthias, to cadmium and other vasoactive substances

Reversing cytoplasmic flow in constricted eggs of the sand dollar (Echinarachnius parma)

Reversing flow in constricted sand dollar (Echinarachnius parma) eggs and blastomeres

Rhodanese in marine invertebrates

Role of manganese in Sea Urchin metabolism

Run-out of chlorphenol red following luminal concentration by isolated renal tubules of the Flounder


Screening of tumors for nerve growth stimulating properties

Signal transduction of inhibitory receptors in the shark rectal gland: contrasting effects of adenosine and somatostatin on cyclic AMP accumulation during maximal inhibition of transport

Simultaneous measurements of intracellular Ca2+ transients and cell shortening in single cardiac myocytes from Ratus ratus

Site of urine acidification in the Dogfish

Skate (Raja oscellata) retina horizontal cells: Primitive neurons with high levels of the enzyme carbonic anhydrase

Some Effects of Inorganic Ions on the Active Transport of Phenol Red by Isolated Kidney Tubules of the Flounder

Some preliminary observations on the autecology of the Ciliate Conchophthirus mytili, an ectocommensal of the foot of Mytilus edulis

Studies of trimethylamine oxide excretion in the Dogfish I. The renal excretion of trimethylamine oxide (TMAO) by the Dogfish, Squalus acanthias

Studies of trimethylamine oxide excretion in the Dogfish. II. The maintenance of trimethylamine oxice (TMAO) plasma levels in Dogfish (Squalus acanthias) in captivity

Studies of trimethylamine oxide excretion in the Dogfish. III. Tentative identification of the volatile amine in the urine of the Dogfish (Squalus acanthias)

Studies on bird semantics

Studies on immediate transpulmonary passage of tumor cell emboli in Mice

Studies on maintenance in captivity and behavior of two species of Albatrosses

Studies on Pathogenicity of Klebsiella and Erwinia

Studies on skate (Raja erinacea) egg capsule formation. IV. Catechol oxidase activation

Studies on the regulation of bicarbonate concentration in the coelomic fluid of the Sea Urchin

Studies on the Tubular Excretion of Creatinine and P-Aminohippurate in Thin Slices of Dogfish Kidney (Squalus acanthias)

Summary of 1941. Course in invertebrate zoology (Students in course, Staff), Public Seminars, Senior Investigators, Scientific Assistants

Summary of 1942-45

Summary of 1946 (Note: Heading probably written in error as 1948), Public Seminars, Senior Investigators, Assistants

Summary of 1947, Public Seminars, Senior Investigators, Assistants

Summary of 1948, Public Seminars, Senior Investigators, Assistants

Summary of 1949, Public Seminars, Senior Investigators (with summaries of their work), Assistants


Taurine uptake and efflux in rectal gland cells of shark (Squalus acanthias)

The ability of yolk-sac stage Dogfish pups to survive outside the uterus

The Behavior of Clava leptostyla Agassiz In Vitro

The binding sites involved in p-chloromercuribenzene sulfonate (PCMBS) induced swelling of dogfish (Squalus acanthias) rectal gland cells

The bromination of phenol red by the Dogfish, Squalus acanthias

The development of neural control of alimentary motor function in the vertebrates – A comparative study

The development of the skeleton of Echinarachnius parma

The disassociation of bradycardia and arterial constriction in the diving seal, Phoca vitulina

The distribution of exogenous inulin within maternal and fetal body fluids of the Dogfish, Squalus acanthias

The effect of acetazolamide on intraocular pressure and aqueous humor composition in alewives (Alosa pseudohasengus)

The effect of Ca reduction on skeletal development in Echinarachnius parma embryos

The effect of chlorothiazide on the urinary excretion of Sodium Chloride, and potassium in the Marine Dogfish, Squalus acanthias

The effect of cholorothiazide on the urinary excretion of sodium, chloride and potassium in the marine Dogfish (Squalus acanthias)

The effect of Forskolin on the isolated ciliary epithelium of the shark, Squalus acanthias

The effect of heavy metals on in vitro corneal epithelial wound healing in the sculpin (Myoxocephalus octodecemspinosus)

The effect of mercury on chloride secretion by the isolated perfused rectal gland of Squalus acanthias,

The effect of phlorizin on the oxidative metabolism of certain fish kidneys

The Effect of Some Ecological Factors on Renal Function in the Frog

The effect of temperature on the repetition rate of chirps in the song of the grasshopper, Neoconocephalus ensiger

The effect of tetracycline on skeletal development of Echinarachnius parma

The effect of trimethylamine oxide and acid by the Dogfish, Squalus acanthias

The Effects of 6063 Injections On Urine and Plasma Composition in Fishes

The effects of anesthetics on chromosome behavior during polar body formation in the eggs of the snail Nassa

The effects of mersalyl on the formation of the teleost blastodisc

The egg case of Raja erinacea plays only a minimal role as an ionic/osmotic barrier

The electrolyte metabolism of the swimbladder and gastric mucosa

The excretion of ammonia by the gills of the fresh water Catfish, Ameiurus nebulosus

The Excretion of Injected Glucose by the Sculpin

The excretion of inorganic phosphate in Squalus acanthias

The excretion of phenol red in Squalus acanthias

The excretion of urea by the perfused kidney of the Bullfrog, Rana catesbiana

The excretion of uric acid by the chicken

The General Form of Circulation in the Dogfish, Squalus Acanthias

The General Form of Circulation in the Lobster, Homarus

The inhibition of spontaneous motility of smooth muscle in the Spiny Dogfish, Squalus acanthias, and in the Sea Anemone, Metridium dianthus by sulfhydryl reactants

The interaction of the reference hepatotoxins carbon tetrachloride and allyl formate with beta naphthoflavone mediated P-450 induction in the winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus)

The light response of Clitellio arenarius (O.F. Muller)

The loci of contact chemoreceptors involved in feeding reactions of certain Leidoptera

The loci of receptors sensitive to sucrose solutions in Trichoptera

The mechanism of acidification of Dogfish urine and the effects of 6063 injections on the blood and urine of fishes

The morphogenesis of regenerating scales in Fundulus heteroclitus

The movement of foreign organic compounds across the gills of marine animals

The myometrium of the spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias): A model for steroid and peptide regulation

The normal development of the Sand Dollar egg

The Nutrition of the Apical Region of the Pea Root

The occurrence of mitochondria in mature erythrocytes of Myxine glutinosa

The oxygen electrode technique utilized for respiratory measurements on Sand Dollar sperms

The pigment of the jelly coat granules of Sand‑dollar eggs

The pigment of the jelly coat granules of the Sand Dollar egg

The regions of the retina related to the different chromatophoric responses in Fundulus heteroclitus

The removal of leukemia cells from the blood stream

The role of cell deaths in morphogenesis of the limbs in the Chick

The role of muscarinic receptors in cadmium-induced contraction of ventral aortic rings from the shark (Squalus acanthias)

The role of the kidney in acid-base regulation in the long-horned sculpin (Myoxocephalus octodecimspinosus) during exposure to low salinities

The secretopm pf hypertonic salt solutions in marine birds

The structure of the renal glomerulus

The transport of indigo carmine and neutral red by the isolated Flounder tubules

The transport of nitrate by the isolated perfused rectal gland of Squalus acanthias

The water content of Medusae (aurelia)

Thiol groups and the effect of p-chloromercuribenzenesulfonate (PCMBS) on the swelling of dogfish (Squalus acanthias) rectal gland cells

Total nitrogen budget in developing pups of the dogfish Squalus acanthias (L.)

Transfer of drugs from blood to brain, muscle and cerebrospinal fluid of Squalus acanthias, Gadus callarias and Rana catesbianna

Transport of phenolsulfonphthalein dyes in isolated tubules of the Founder and in kidney slices of the Dogfish. Competitive phenomena

Transport properties of the isolated pigmented epithelium of the shark (Squalus acanthias) ciliary body

Transpulmonary passage of leukemia cells

Tubular Transport of Phenol Red in the Flounder Kidney

Tumour Induction by Bacteria-Free Crown-Gall Tissue

Two types of Ca2+ channels in cardiac myocytes from Squalus acanthias


Unarrested passage of lymphoma‑leukemia cells through liver and kidney

Uptake and run-out of chlorphenol red by isolated renal tubules of Flounder in vitro

Uptake of trimethylamine-N-oxide (TMAO) and trimethylamine (TMA) in skeletal muscle and rectal gland of shark (Squalus acanthias)

Urea excretion and diving in the Seal (Phoca vitulina L.)

Urea excretion in Toads and Frogs

Urinary excretion of divalent ions and organic bases in the Aglomerular Goosefish, Lophius americanus


Vanadate effects on Na++K+-ATPase and Na+ transport in membrane vesicles from crab (Carcinus maenas) gill

Vascular supply of the brain in Cretinoid Rats

Vasoactive effects of adenosine, vasoactive intestinal peptide, and atriopeptin on ventral aortic rings from the shark (Squalus acanthias)

Vasoactive effects of metal ions on ventral aortic rings from the shark (Squalus acanthias)

Vasoactive intestinal peptide and forskolin increase intracellular free calcium in the rectal gland of Squalus acanthias

Vasoactive intestinal peptide stimulates the release of inositol phosphates in Squalus acanthias rectal gland tubules

Voltage-dependent potassium currents in retinal müller (Glial) cells of the spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias)

Volume 03 - 1930

Volume 03 - 1931

Volume 03 - 1932

Volume 03 - 1933

Volume 03 - 1934

Volume 03 - 1935

Volume 03 - 1936

Volume 03 - 1937

Volume 03 - 1938

Volume 03 - 1939

Volume 03 - 1940

Volume 03 - 1941-1949

Volume 04 - 1950-1952

Volume 04 - 1953-1955

Volume 04 - 1956-1958

Volume 04 - 1959-1961

Volume 05 - 1962-1964

Volume 05 - 1965

Volume 06 - 1966

Volume 07 - 1967

Volume 08 - 1968

Volume 09 - 1969

Volume 10 - 1970

Volume 11 - 1971

Volume 12 - 1972

Volume 13 - 1973

Volume 14 - 1974

Volume 15 - 1975

Volume 16 - 1976

Volume 17 - 1977

Volume 18 - 1978

Volume 19 - 1979

Volume 20 - 1980

Volume 21 - 1981

Volume 22 - 1982

Volume 23 - 1983

Volume 24 - 1984

Volume 25 - 1985

Volume 26 - 1986

Volume 27 - 1987

Volume 28 - 1988

Volume 29 - 1989

Volume 30 - 1990

Volume 31 - 1991

Volume 32 - 1992

Volume 33 - 1993

Volume 34 - 1994

Volume 35 - 1995

Volume 36 - 1996

Volume 37 - 1997

Volume 38 - 1998

Volume 39 - 1999

Volume 40 - 2000

Volume 41 - 2001

Volume 42 - 2002

Volume 43 - 2003

Volume 44 - 2004

Volume 45 - 2005

Volume 51 - 2011

Volume 54 - 2014

Volume regulation in skate (Raja erinacea) red blood cells: No role for eicosanoids


Water Diuresis in the Seal, Phoca Vitulina